D I Y   P R O J E C T S   |   C R A F T S    |    F U R N I T U R E   B U I L D S

Transforming our home through realistic DIY, and showing you how along the way!

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Hey! I’m Cari - the face behind
House to Home DIY & Design!

First off, thank you for being interested enough to make it this far. Your support means so much to me, and I’m so glad you’re here! Having the opportunity to do what I love and share it as a way to inspire others is truly a dream, and I’m so grateful to have you following along.

So, let’s cut to the chase because let’s face it, we both know why you’re here. So who am I? I’m Cari, the creator of House to Home DIY & Design. My husband Ray and I purchased our first home together in June of 2018 in a small town in Central Maine. Throughout the past 5+ years, we’ve turned it into a home for us, our beautiful baby boy, and our 4 fur babies one DIY project at a time. To us, having a space that we’re proud of and love spending time in and creating memories with our little family is so important, so we’re always looking for ways to spruce it up and make it more our style!

Why DIY & design? Despite our home being newly constructed, it was a cookie-cutter manufactured home that lacked character and a true feeling of “us”. Since we moved in back in 2018, I’ve found so much joy in transforming our manufactured grade home to custom made, one DIY at a time! I have always had a passion for customizing my spaces, whether it be home, work, or anything in between. I picked up my first power tool in March of 2020 and have been winging it and learning as I go ever since! I am 100% self taught (no interior design courses or credentials, no prior experience with power tools, no engineering/building experience - truly just wingin’ it!). To me, there is no better feeling than single-handedly designing and transforming the spaces that we spend so much of our time in every day, and making them feel like home and a true reflection of ourselves. That exact philosophy is the motivation behind HTHDD! My goal is to inspire YOU every day and show you that regardless of how much experience you have, where you live, how much money you have, whether you’ve done home projects before or you’re re just starting out, YOU have the ability to transform your house into a home and make it a space that you can truly be proud of!

So, what are you waiting for?! Let’s DIY together!